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Hooray for Lea Michele waxing her mustache on Snapchat

Lea Michele isn’t afraid to go behind the scenes. The actress just made us laugh (and wince) by documenting her entire facial waxing routine on Snapchat.

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For a supposed quick window into someone’s world, we all can agree it’s most likely that people Snapchat their proudest, most exciting moments. Not Lea Michele. Today, we meet her waxer, Stevie, who has come to her for a house call. “This is gonna hurt. Bad,” Michele tells the camera.

Next comes her #mustache. “This is the real beauty, you guys,” she tells her fans. “This is what happens when you’re half Jewish and half Italian,” she laughs. It’s the old cliché that beauty is pain. But if you’re a Glee fan, doesn’t knowing that Lea Michele goes through a waxing routine weirdly make it a little easier? It’s a delight to see a celebrity open up about the maintenance required to do their jobs.

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Michele is also well-known for documenting her SoulCycle addiction and love of working out. At $34 a pop, not everyone can afford to exercise like Michele (or have a waxer come to their home), but it’s refreshing to see a celebrity get so real. No shade to Gigi Hadid and Cara Delevingne, but I have to roll my eyes every time they discuss their love of McDonald’s.

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Michele got even more personal in a recent interview with Women’s Health UK. She stripped down for the cover of The Naked Issue, showing off her Finn tattoo to memorialize ex-boyfriend Cory Monteith.

“Right now, I feel physically in my best shape and emotionally in my best place,” she told the mag. “I’m not perfect. I’m not trying to represent myself as being some perfect girl, but I love myself, flaws and all.” Let’s hope Michele keeps on showing us her real self — we have a feeling we can learn a lot from her.

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