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I don’t know if I can work for the outsider who got my promotion

Today we’re talking about when your boss passes you over for a promotion you think you’re perfect for.

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I started as a receptionist in my company seven years ago when I graduated from high school. I worked hard, getting to work early and staying late. I earned five promotions and am now an assistant department manager.

I know more about this company than anyone but the owner. I’ve learned how to work smart rather than only hard. I now more than earn my salary within the standard work week.

Two months ago, the manager a large department in our company unexpectedly resigned. I was the logical and the right choice to become this department’s manager. I earned the promotion by my dedication and because I know more about the company than anyone but the owner.

Rather than promote me, the owner brought in a new manager from outside. I can’t call it sex discrimination because he hired a woman. But he now expects me to train her with what I know about the company. If I’m the one who needs to train her why am I not the one to get the job?

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You might have deserved a promotion and been fully qualified for the management job. Alternatively, your owner may have made the right decision to bring needed talents and skills into your company. Because you gave me permission to call your owner, I’ll report his view.

Your owner feels loyalty toward you, however, he pointed out that your company needed to grow to survive. The new manager brings your company skills in marketing, project management and finance you don’t yet possess. She’s also exceedingly good with people and has a network of contacts that may result in potential new buyers for your company’s products.

You earned your previous promotions by your hard work and past positive attitude. Your owner says you’ve changed in the last year. You no longer come in early nor stay late. Also, he says you’ve become an internal critic and many feel you’re now difficult to work with. Further, when your owner suggested you take courses on financial management or marketing, you told him you only would if he paid for the courses and allowed you to take them on company time.

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Here’s something that may surprise you. Your owner told the new manager he valued you and asked her to mentor you. He says you’re making this difficult by making your dissatisfaction in her hiring known and by acting out when she speaks in meetings. So, here’s a question: Is it possible you could learn skills from your new manager that would enable you to go further in your career than you could otherwise?

Before you go, check out our slideshow below:

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