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Turn your kitchen into the perfect fall retreat for cold nights


Fall is on the horizon and the nesting season is about to begin. Days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder, making us want to stay indoors. My mom’s favorite saying – ‘tidy home, tidy mind’ – always comes to my mind this time of year.

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It particularly refers to one of the busiest spaces in the house – the kitchen. There are so many wonderful ideas on how to reorganize and redecorate your kitchen and bring life to it. Plus, this is the time of year when we start reexamining our attitudes and future plans, which is enough to inspire refreshing changes both in your life and in the home.

Here’s my version of readying my kitchen for fall.

Declutter the kitchen

In order to handle this task with care, you need to empty all the cupboards, drawers and cabinets and take out all the cutlery, pots and pans, and the rest of the kitchen contents. Next, throw away all the unnecessary products, food and spices which have expired and make a list of all the kitchen items you need to purchase. I also love to treat myself to a few new gadgets and other kitchenware. I bought myself a new Scanpan the other day, and am looking at a new faucet as well.

This can also be the perfect time to express your creativity. Reorganize the kitchen space so that it becomes more spacious. For instance, it’s always a good idea to categorize kitchen utensils by storing them separately, or reorganize and change the position of the dining table and chairs. You will instantly feel the enormous effect this change brings about on the overall atmosphere of the room.

Add rustic decorations

A kitchen is not only a place for cooking and preparing food, it’s where family and friends gather and enjoy chit-chat while having tasty meals. Fall is the perfect season for simple decorative projects that make the kitchen even more appealing. Pumpkins and squashes on the table will add a rustic touch to the interior and give it a warm feel. Decor pieces such as twigs, branches and bright leaves will create a sense of festivity. Finally, bring in the spirit of the fall using bright and vibrant colors such as golden yellow, orange and various shades of red. It will turn a kitchen into a warm and cozy place, and create a sense of cheerfulness.

Bring nature indoors

In the fall, nature is experiencing plenty of change. Juicy fruits of summer give way to crunchy dried fruits, and all kinds of seeds. The temperatures are lower which brings our attention to vegetables that resist freezing such as all the root vegetables (garlic, onion, potato), as well as various delicious squashes and gourds. You can get one or two of those lovely baskets to keep vegetables in. As for energy-rich nuts and seeds, buy a few glass jars and fill them with this highly nutritious food. They will add heartiness to any dish and bring warmth into any kitchen.

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Try out new meals

The very beginning of September marks the beginning of the fall, and it can get pretty busy as most of us have to gather significant momentum for new projects or preparing kids for school. Kicking it into gear after a lazy summer can be challenging, and that’s why it is especially important to plan your meals ahead. There will be a lot of canning, drying and pickling of foods this time of year, as well as experimenting with a wide range of delicious meals that will produce warm odors and create a perfect homey atmosphere.

Make sure your kitchen is ready for all the deliciousness it will produce in the coming chilly months!

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