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What women still need to hear from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Women’s rights

“Both candidates need to address how, specifically, in their professional lives, they have worked to serve women.” – Julia Travers

“Dear Candidates – You have both raised successful daughters who appear to be devoted to giving back to the community. In what way will you ensure your daughters’ rights are protected and the rights women have fought so hard for over the last hundred years are preserved? –  A woman with two daughters

“Are woman going to be treated equally and not have to worry about our religious view?” – Kathy Myers

“I want both candidates to address their views on women’s health and reproductive rights. Will they protect access to contraception and a woman’s right to choose?” – Karen Datangel

Restoring America’s belief in government

“I have a question for both candidates: Regardless of who wins the presidency, the truth is that both of your disapproval ratings are low, and Congress has been stalemated, which has led many young people to step away from a belief in leadership. What will you do differently than what you have done to date to restore belief?” – Lynne Curry

Fix the debt crisis

“The country has accumulated as much debt in the past eight years as was accumulated in all other years. Name two things you will do to stop the accumulation of debt and two things you will do to pay off (not down) the national debt in eight years or less.” – Susan Santoro

More: I was accosted in the nation’s capital for saying Hillary Clinton’s name

Tackling student loans

“Dear Hillary, 17 years ago, your husband President Bill Clinton handed me my college diploma at University of Chicago when he spoke as our commencement speaker. Coming from a similar working class background as Mr. Clinton, I funded three private university degrees largely through scholarship and on my own through student loans. Those degrees invested in my passions in writing, language and literature as well as commitment to spreading books and literacy. However, they have not translated to the wealth necessary to pay them off or even at all. I am among millions of Americans who live in the reality that the very sign of our hard work and integrity backfired: We went to schools for an education, but cannot pay our student loans back. This debt, its interest and its mental weight have influenced me away from many personal goals I had when I was that optimistic senior shaking Mr. Clinton’s hand on my graduation day: buying a home, starting a family and sending my own children to school one day. What do you plan to do for Americans like me who should have hit our strides in our 30s but hit an impossible economy with student loans on our backs instead?” – Kalisha Buckhanon

Stopping sexual assault

“I would love to hear what these candidates are going to do to stop sexual assaults and verbal assaults on women in the workplace. Clearly Trump has an issue with this and obviously Bill Clinton had an issue with this so let’s talk about it. Let’s discuss strategy and let’s find out how each candidate believes women should be treated period.” – Sarah Roe

A clear answer to the email question

“I wish Secretary Clinton would address honestly, the email question. We have learned the backstory from a variety of sources and when what we learn doesn’t square with the spin she puts on it, it erodes our ability to trust what she say going forward.” – Lynne Curry

Supreme Court nominations

“I would like to hear specifics of whom each candidate proposes as a Supreme Court justice. This is a major issue that has only been brought up for the first time in the second debate, but neither candidate stated anyone specific. This is an extremely important issue to me considering what is at stake.” – Colleen Hurley

More: 14 books to read to get you pumped for the 2016 presidential election

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