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Yes, Your Dog Is Totally Barking at an Invisible Ghost in the Corner

Just call your dog Haley Joel Osment, because just like that cute little kid in The Sixth Sense, your pooch can see dead people.

A lot of people kid about dogs barking at ghosts all the time, but this is no joke — they really do. A lot of animals pick up on more things than humans, but dogs are even more tuned in than most. They sense energy, extra sensory phenomenon and otherworldly beings.

I often encounter an animal that is having a problem with ghosts in my work as a professional animal communicator (pet psychic). Sometimes they tell me the ghost is unhappy, afraid, unsettled, lost and lonely. They just need a little help to find their way home.

Sometimes the animal is worried and scared because the ghost is angry, vengeful and seeking retribution for what happened to them. Those hauntings are the hardest to find closure with because the ghost has to accept the truth about what happened to them, forgive and let go before they can go on. Other times they are happy and content, peacefully watching out for their loved ones until they are ready to cross over completely into the next life.

More:Do Our Pets Get Angry at Us? We Asked a Pet Psychic to Find Out

Cassie is a wonderful border collie dog I visited who was behaving very oddly. She and her human mom, JoAnne, had just moved to an old farmhouse in a new city. Shortly after they got there, Cassie would bark wildly, staring fixedly at what appeared to be empty space. Nothing her mom did would calm her down. She carefully watched the ceiling and corners of the room for hours before wandering off to go do something else.

Cassie acted like she was following someone around the house and even out into the yard around the house. Sometimes she would sit down, cock her head to the side, ears straight up and listen attentively… but to what? What did she hear? What did she see? What did she know that we didn’t?

Worried, JoAnne contacted me for help. Was her dog suffering a brain tumor? Going crazy? Why was she behaving that way? And even more importantly, what could be done to help her?

When I spoke with Cassie, she told me about a young girl with blonde hair who appeared in a simple grey, dirty, torn cotton dress. The ghost girl talked to the dog because only the dog could sense her presence and hear her thoughts. She had been isolated and lonely for a very long time.

More: My Foul-Mouthed Dog Is Having a Territorial Disute With the Ghost Upstairs

When I tuned into the ghost girl, I learned her name was Sarah Jane. She was born in 1885, the only girl among five boys. Her mother had died shortly after she was born. Her father was a gruff, stern alcoholic who raised his family with a strong and often brutal hand. Her father and brothers abused and beat her just for fun when the mood struck. One day she went to town for supplies and a woman approached her, asking her name. The woman was concerned about her, having heard about her situation. She encouraged Sarah Jane to have faith and to say nothing. She would be in contact as soon as she could figure out what to do.

Sarah Jane went home that day hopeful that something might change, but before she could find her freedom, she was beaten badly, and died when her head hit a log.

Her family didn’t mourn her. They only found a rough spot to bury her on their property and went on about their business. There wasn’t even a marker to show for her life lost.

Sarah Jane’s spirit continued as a ghost. Because she had no one on the other side who could welcome her and guide her through, and because she didn’t know what to expect in the afterlife, she found herself stuck on the property. For years she simply observed the people coming and going as day by day went by… until one day the nice lady and lovely dog moved into the old farm house. For the first time the dog’s person paid close attention to what her dog was telling her.

That day as I shared Cassie and Sarah Jane’s story with JoAnne, something even more extraordinary happened. In a remarkable moment of clarity and remembrance, JoAnne flashed back to a past life. She knew beyond a doubt that she was in fact the woman from the town who had been trying to help the girl. She remembered grieving, feeling sad and guilty that she and her friends had not acted quickly enough to save the girl.

JoAnne told me that she wasn’t even sure why she had moved here to this place. Now that she knew the rest of the story, she realized that she had been called back to make good on her promise to help the child. With tears in her eyes, she greeted the ghost girl with love in her heart. They connected and began a deep loving conversation which I helped mediate.

For the first time, Sarah Jane felt loved and cared for. Cassie calmed down and settled peacefully, knowing everything was okay.

And when Sarah Jane was close by? Cassie would tell her mom. And all was well.

Val Heart – The Real Dr Doolittle™ & Animal Communicator to the Stars. Internationally known as an expert animal communicator, teacher, author & master healer; Founder of the Heart System for solving problems with pets, Founder of The Heart School of Animal Communication and Host of the Free eBook: Hidden Secrets to Communicating With Pets at

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