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How you can support women’s, LGBT and civil rights post-election

The unthinkable has happened: A candidate endorsed by the KKK has won the presidency of the United States. What can we do to prevent America from falling into a pit of complete darkness? Be the light you wish to see in the world.

Lots of people are telling you what to do. Here’s how we can support women, people of color, religious freedom, the LGBT community and human rights despite the results of the election.

More: Nasty women of the world, unite

Elected representatives

Since 1985, Emily’s List has supported pro-choice Democratic women candidates seeking office. According to their website, they have “helped elect over 100 pro-choice Democratic women to the House, 19 to the Senate, 11 to governors’ seats, and hundreds of women to state and local office.”

Financial donations to Emily’s List help us get and maintain representation in our government. Their website has multiple ways you can donate to the cause, as well as a running list of candidates they are supporting in both local and national elections.

Pro-choice health organizations

Planned Parenthood is just one of many important organizations that provide and protect health care for women and families. The Center for Reproductive Rights “uses the law to advance reproductive freedom as a fundamental human right that all governments are legally obligated to protect, respect, and fulfill,” according to their website, and donations made to the group directly support their legal fights. The National Abortion Federation is a professional organization of abortion providers, and donations help keep those providers safe. The National Network of Abortion Funds removes “financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic and reproductive justice.”

More:11 things feminists should brace themselves for if Donald Trump wins

Civil rights and anti-racism groups

The ACLU, NAACP, SURJBorder Angels and the Council on American-Islamic Relations all focus on defending rights guaranteed in our Constitution to individuals. Monetary donations are great; getting involved in grassroots community activism is even better.

LGBT issues

GLAAD works with the media to encourage “powerful stories from the LGBT community that build support for equality.” ACT UP spreads AIDs awareness through activism and protests homophobic political candidates. The National LGBT Task Force seeks to advance “an inclusive social agenda that secures fundamental protections” for LGBT people.

Environmental Issues

EarthJustice is a nonprofit environmental law group working to protect the environment from corporate interests, and they represent their clients free of charge — so donations are extremely helpful to their cause. Greenpeace also supports a myriad of environmental causes, and you can get involved either with monetary donations or becoming an activist.

Send a thank you note

And last but not least, consider sending Hillary Clinton a note letting her know how much her campaign has meant to you and that you still stand with her and for all she hoped to accomplish — and that you won’t stop fighting for those things.

Hillary for America
Post Office Box 5256
New York, NY 10185-5256

Together, we might just be able to save some of the momentum we gained in the last eight years.

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