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The Women’s March on Washington cheat sheet

If you’re going to the Women’s March on Washington, you might want a gentle reminder that it’s only 10 days away. By now, you’ve probably secured transportation (if you don’t live in D.C.) and housing (if you’re planning to stay over), but what about signs? And snacks? And how on Earth do you plan to stay warm?

Don’t worry: We’ve got you covered. Once you’ve nailed down your travel plans (and registered! Which is very important!), let us take care of the rest. We’ve assembled the top 10 resources to take care of the little things — nourishment, messaging, attire — so you can relax and focus on the bigger picture. That is, conveying a strong message to Donald Trump and lawmakers around the country that women aren’t going to take this one sitting down — we’re going to get up and march. (For more, head over to the Women’s March FAQ.)

1. Signs

You can certainly make your own sign — all you need is a piece of poster board and a Sharpie. But if you’d rather download signage and take it to your local printer to get a more professional-type sign made, you can head over to Dome for some graphic poster concepts. Or just pick up a sign from the Amplifier Foundation — they headed up an art contest for the protest and plan to print and disseminate tens of thousands of signs and banners for the march. They haven’t announced their winner yet, so stay tuned.

2. Sign support

Keep in mind that wooden supports for signs and placards are not permitted, so you’ll have to carry your sign by hand (or attach it to something that could not be used as a weapon). Cardboard signposts are fine.

3. Snacks

By all means, pack any and all snacks for the rally and protest. That said, backpacks are not permitted at the march — and neither are bags larger than 8 by 6 by 4 inches. That’s pretty small, so plan accordingly — think sandwiches, wraps and lots and lots of protein bars. Alternately, you are allowed to bring an additional 12 by 12 by 6-inch plastic or gallon bag, into which you could stuff your lunch.

More:Scenes from today’s anti-Trump protests around the country

4. Attire

Dress warmly, in layers, and don’t forget the most comfortable shoes you have in your closet.

5. Staying warm

You might want to consider investing in hand warmers — or even a battery-powered heated vest for long hours in the great outdoors. Definitely a hat and gloves, in any case.

6. Bathrooms

There will be portable bathroom facilities, so plan accordingly.

More: One way we can resist Trump’s agenda? Raise conscious kids

7. Breastfeeding mothers

If you’re breastfeeding or have other medical needs, you are allowed to bring an additional clear bag or backpack no larger than 17 by 12 by 6 inches, but no colored transparent bags are permitted. There will be breastfeeding stations along the root, and the FAQ page will be updated this week with information about where they will be.

8. Children

As to kids, it’s your choice as to whether to bring them, but they are welcome. There is a Facebook page for parents who plan to attend the march with kids, which is a good resource for coordination.

9. Volunteering

If you want to roll up your sleeves and volunteer, head over to this Google Doc to sign up.

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10. Donating

For those who won’t make it to the march (or those who will!), there’s the option of donating money to the cause. The Women’s March on Washington is trying to raise $2 million before the march — so far, they’re up to $940,690 and counting, about halfway there. You can also buy a commemorative T-shirt or sweatshirt, which won’t arrive before the march — but will benefit the cause.

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