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A Full-On Women’s Strike Is Coming, and People Are Freaking Out

The Women’s Marches around the world on Jan. 21 were unprecedented — the largest collective protest and inaugural protest in history, with people showing up with signs in hand everywhere from Washington, D.C., NYC and LA to London, Paris, Berlin and beyond. Women stood up around the world to let our voices be heard and make it known that we won’t be taking this presidency sitting down.

And now, the folks behind the Women’s March are planning another protest. “The will of the people will stand,” they tweeted yesterday, alongside a graphic with the words, “General Strike: A Day Without a Woman.” The date is TBA, but — get ready.

People are already excited. “I’m so in,” Neko Case tweeted. “I am so here for this,” feminist writer Jessica Valenti added. “This is what I’m talking about. Hit ’em in the wallet,” Corinne Fisher wrote, while Tegan and Sara simply wrote, “YES!”
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Women’s March activists have been organizing to inspire people around the country to take a series of 10 actions, one every 10 days, for the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency. The first action involved getting together with like-minded folk to write letters to local elected representatives; the second called for “huddles,” which are basically events for people to gather, put their minds together and find action-oriented solutions “grounded in the tradition of nonviolent resistance.” As of this writing, there were 3,095 huddles registered on their site, so — looks like it’s working.

Women’s March spokespeople said last night that they would be “releasing information in the near future around plans to hold corporations economically responsible.” Again, as Fisher said — hit ‘em in the wallet. “At a time when our foundational principles of freedom and equality are under threat, The Women’s March is committed to engaging in actions that affirmatively build community, strengthen relationships and support local, women- and minority-owned businesses,” they wrote. “The Women’s March applauds the efforts of #GrabYourWallet and others protests that brought the corporate practices of Uber and Nordstrom to light, and we support the continued coordination of economic power.”

More:The most gorgeous posters for the Women’s March on Washington

Preach. Though a general women’s strike is sadly not possible for all women who want to participate — many of us have jobs that demand we show up, lest we are fired, and scores of others do not have the luxury of making the financial sacrifice of a lost day’s work — this is still a solid idea, and one that has been called for frequently since the Trump era became a reality. If every woman across the country skipped out on work one day, the nation would come to a screeching halt. Stay tuned for more info, including the exact date.

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