If building up your savings account feels just about as likely as finding the cure to cancer, then it’s time to reevaluate your finances. While saving money isn’t always easy, it’s not as complicated as you might think. What it requires is a keen awareness of personal priorities and a game plan to help you reach your goals.
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This 30-day money challenge provides simple, daily steps you can take to analyze your current financial state while tapering the outward flow of money from your accounts. Best of all? You don’t have to (completely) cut back on little indulgences like your daily morning coffee. Rather, the goal is to help you re-prioritize your expenses and plan ahead when making purchases, making it easier to save money without completely disrupting your life.
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Before you kick off the 30-day program, familiarize yourself with each of the challenges. Some require more planning and forethought, while others require extra time. Track your savings using a spreadsheet or notebook so at the end of the month you can accurately assess your results. Good luck, and happy savings!
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This post was sponsored by Cricket Wireless.
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