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Molly Sims Says Meditation Is a Great Way to Combat Mommy Guilt

Remember that scene in Sex and the City where Carrie reveals that she uses her oven as sweater storage? Well, that was Molly Sims a few years ago. You know, before she added wife, mother and author to her already impressive résumé. These days, she is juggling a demanding career while being a mom to three young kids and she just finished writing her new book, Everyday Chic.

We were lucky enough to get a chance to chat with Sims, and she gave us all the details on her new book and some great tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle — even when life gets downright crazy.

SheKnows: What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

Molly Sims: I head downstairs and pour myself a cup of coffee. Always needed. Since the kids get up at the crack of dawn, we go down together and start the day. Have you ever tried making coffee while holding two kids? It’s a feat. I’m telling you!

SK: Do you meditate, journal or have any other sort of emotional-wellness routine?

MS: I love meditating and taking some time for myself when I need it. As moms, it’s easy to feel guilty about this sort of thing, but it’s necessary. If I’m feeling overwhelmed, I’ll walk down the beach or just sit in silence and reflect. Even if it’s just 10 minutes, every little bit helps.

SK: What’s your go-to healthy breakfast?

MS: We love breakfast at our house! Honestly, it’s our favorite meal of the day. I love making egg white omelet muffins. To save time, I’ll usually premake them for the week so I’m able to pop [them] in the toaster oven. Turkey bacon is another favorite. There’s actually a whole section in my book Everyday Chic dedicated to breakfast with the recipes I make. I’m telling you — they are so delicious and easy!

SK: What’s your favorite healthy snack? What about snacks you make for Grey, Scarlett and Brooks?

MS: We’re a big smoothie family. Brooks and Scarlett practically beg for them — both fruits and veggies. I’m not complaining, though. It’s an easy way to know they are getting in all their nutrients. I always tell moms of picky eaters that the key is to make it fun. If it looks good and tastes good, they will eat it. Fun sandwich-on-a-stick kabobs, frozen blueberry bites and mini avocado toast are a few of our favorites.

SK: Do you have any dinner recipes that the whole family loves, kids and parents alike?

MS: I’m all about a good one-pot meal. It’s probably the Southern girl in me, but it saves time, both in preparation and the dishes afterward. Plus, if you prepare ahead of time, all you have to do is pop [it] in the oven. We love pasta and chicken dishes at our house. I included our favorite Moroccan chicken recipe in the book, and I’m telling you — it’s soooo good! My husband practically begs me to make it and it’s super-healthy too!

SK: How would you describe your home-decor style?

MS: Chic and functional. We are a home full of kids and dogs, plus we love to entertain — so I want our home to reflect that. And, I’m telling you — there’s a way to have stylish yet kid-friendly decor. All of the couches in our home are outdoor fabric… for a reason. It’s still just as chic-looking, but way easier to clean. My favorite piece of decor is our photo wall in our house. It’s clean and fresh, but adds a personal touch I wouldn’t do without.

SK: Furniture isn’t always cheap, but quality is important. If you could only splurge on one piece of furniture in your home, which piece would it be?

MS: It’s not necessarily a piece, but I’m obsessed with anything brass or Lucite.

SK: In your book, you discuss how a home is the heartbeat of a family and the importance of keeping it clutter-free. What are a few of your favorite ways to keep your home clutter-free?

MS: Less mess, less stress. That’s my rule! If you don’t stay on top of decluttering, it can get out of control. I maintain as much as possible. I’ll do seasonal edits and decide what we can toss or donate. If we don’t love it, need it or haven’t used it in the past year, it’s gone.

Also, I started working with Clea and Joanna from The Home Edit last year, and they’ve taught me everything I know. Organization can be chic, people! Big wicker baskets as a catchall are helpful, especially in the playroom. Same with wooden pullout cubbies under the couch. They are easy to stow away at a moment’s notice.

SK: How do you balance alone time for yourself, time with your husband and quality time with your kids?

MS: It all comes down to time management and prioritizing. If I’m at work, I work efficient and get shit done. If I’m with my family, it’s all about them. My husband and I try to have date nights whenever we can, even if it’s just opening up a bottle of wine and watching a movie at home.

SK: What’s your favorite date-night (or day) activity?

MS: I love relaxing by the beach with my family. We are lucky enough to live pretty close to the ocean, so we take advantage of it. Our favorite thing to do is pack a big picnic, grab a blanket and head down. Those are the days I’ll always remember.

SK: Do you have any favorite entertaining/hosting tips or ideas?

MS: The day or week before a party, I prep as much as possible so I’m not running around the day of. My do-ahead list normally consists of setting the table and adding any decor pieces, like a vase of flowers, mak[ing] any dishes that can be prepared ahead of time and cutting up garnishes for the cocktails. The more I prepare, the better I feel when my guests walk in the door. Also, don’t be afraid to add in those chic little touches for any occasion. If you have friends over and order take out, serve it on platters. Create a fun signature drink. The devil is in the details!

SK: What was your biggest surprise when you became a mom?

MS: The level of preparation it takes to even leave the house. I used to be able to just grab and go. Now? The sheer number of things I have to carry at all times is insane. I think all moms can relate to that. Even something as simple as going to the park can look like we are preparing for a weeklong vacation. Also, I never knew the level of exhaustion

SK: What would you say is your biggest day-to-day challenge as a mom?

MS: Letting go of the mom guilt and the pursuit of perfection. When I have to work or travel without the kids, it’s hard not to feel guilty. I do the best I can to put things into perspective and trust that I’m doing what I need to do.

SK: Can you tell me a little bit about your female community — do you have friends who are also moms who you lean on for support re: the challenges of parenting?

MS: My momma village is my everything! I feel extremely blessed. When I became a mom, they were my lifeline. They told me what bottles to use, what stroller was the best, what supplements to take when my milk wasn’t coming in, and especially those late-night “ahhh! Is this normal!?” phone calls. We continue to help each other as our kids grow. It’s a support system every woman needs.

SK: If you could go back and offer your 18-year old self one piece of advice, what would it be?

MS: Don’t let people mistake your kindness for weakness. Oh, and don’t use a million skin care products at one time. You will develop cystic acne (which you will) that lands you in the dermatologist’s office weekly.

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