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10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With the Echo

When the Amazon Echo came out in 2014, who knew that voice control was everything our tech-driven society was missing? But as we’ve become better acquainted with the hardworking and ever-evolving Alexa, we’re finally beginning to realize its full capabilities. Giving you the morning’s headlines? Alexa’s got you covered. Setting a timer so you know when to take the cookies out of the oven? Most definitely. Playing music from your workout playlist? You bet.

But you already knew all of that. What’s more surprising is what Amazon Echo and Alexa can do beyond these more basic (and indescribably useful) applications. With Fire TV integration, a huge range of smart home capabilities and more than 50,000 skills and counting, Echo and Alexa can help you with just about anything. Here are just 10 of the countless awesome things you can do with your Echo.

From helping you wake up to your favorite mood-boosting tunes to ordering your go-to Domino’s pizza without requiring you to even think about picking up your cell phone to transforming into a family gameshow host. And if you have multiple Amazon Echo devices in different rooms throughout your house, the possibilities become even more limitless — for instance, you could sync them together to create a full-home sound system or use them as a whole-home intercom system so you can let the kids know when dinner is ready (or that they should really be getting started on their homework; you mean it this time!).

This post is sponsored by Amazon Echo.

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