The question:
I want to hire a nanny to go on vacation with us to take care of the kids. If we’re taking her on a nice vacation, shouldn’t that offset the cost? And how much time should she have off?The Childcare Expert Answers:
Now, what should you pay the “vacation nanny”? Well, you are providing all her meals, transportation, lodgings and, presumably, taking her along for fun excursions so it is really tempting to think of all of this as compensation. However, even though it can come to a lot of money, it is not as material to the salary as you may hope. The nanny will still be responsible for minding your children (i.e. doing her job) while you are enjoying the sights and getting out for some fun evenings without people who use the kiddy menu. Remember that just because everyone is in bathing suits doesn’t mean it is not hard work. After all, if the nanny were on her vacation, you and your kids wouldn’t be there!
If you have a live-in nanny joining you, I recommend that you pay her regular weekly salary — unless the working hours on holiday are a lot more than usual, in which case you should adjust the salary upward on a pro-rata basis. Please note that if her hours are less, I still recommend paying her regular salary in order to preserve goodwill (if this gesture breaks the bank, think about if you can afford to go away at all).
If the nanny is someone you have hired just for the purposes of this vacation, your best bet is to ask co-workers and friends what they have paid in similar situations. I can’t really tell you a specific dollar amount, since that can vary by region. However, a good guideline is to figure out what you would pay a babysitter to work a comparable number of hours at your home, multiply it by the number of days and offer that amount for the salary.
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