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It’s important to always come prepared for outdoor activities. That’s why a travel tote is a must-have wherever you go. But what if we told you there’s one perfect piece of equipment. We’ve found the most versatile outdoor accessory that’s more than just a bag. The Ultralight Backpack at Amazon doubles as a cooler and chair. This convertible bag is lightweight and provides ample storage and cooler space with various pockets. We know what you’re thinking: day trips with the family just became a whole lot more relaxing and easy. It’s only $35 right now, so it’s definitely a reasonable price for all it can do. Of course, this outdoor gear holds against any elements thanks to its waterproof coating. One reviewer vouched for this, and said, “It is very lightweight and easy to transport. It has a very sturdy design! Love it!” Basically, the Ultralight Backpacker Cooler Chair is in it for the long haul for all family adventures.
One Savvy Girl Ultralight Backpack Cooler Chair
Did we mention that this backpack is foldable as well? It easily folds down to take with you anywhere. The compact bag can also transform into a chair so you can take a seat anytime. Its portability and convenience are worthwhile features for any outdoor enthusiast to have as a companion.
“It was super cute and functional. It makes outdoor days so much easy and more convenient,” said a reviewer. “The chair feels strong and sturdy, and it’s lightweight and comfortable as a backpack. The cooler function is roomy and really kept her drinks cold.”
Don’t waste a minute without this multi-purpose backpack for the next trip, whether it’s the beach or camping.
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