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Organize your closet: The 3-day plan, Part 1

Eager to chase the parkas and winter boots out of your closets before the baseball caps and sandals move in for another season? There’s no better time of year to get organized than now! SheKnows share 10 simple steps to conquering closet chaos.

10 steps to closet oraganization

As your family’s Chief Motivation Officer (CMO), it’s your job to convince the entire family to buy into the closet cleanup process. After all, this is definitely an all-hands-on-deck proposition. Fortunately, you’ve got the ultimate weapon at your disposal: our 10-step weekend makeover plan for conquering closet chaos. Not only can the entire process be accomplished over the course of a weekend, we’ve worked in enough opportunities for fun to convince the entire family to stick with the program.

Family pizza party
Friday evening
6:00 p.m.

It’s amazing how receptive kids are to new ideas when they have are dining on a favorite meal, so take advantage of this basic motivational principle as you sell the kids on the weekend agenda. Let them know that when they get up in the morning, they’re going to have the opportunity to make a mess beyond anything they might have imagined in their wildest dreams — and they’re actually going to be rewarded for their efforts.

But, first things first. You’re going to need as much floor space as possible once you start dumping out the contents of all those closets, so what the kids need to do tonight is tidy up their rooms. Sweeten the deal by announcing a 45 minute cleaning challenge: If each child can have his or her room in reasonable condition in 45 minutes, then the entire family will hop on their bikes and head to the park.

Click here for Steps 2-6 >>

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