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Spring skin resolutions

Winter weather can be tough on the psyche, but possibly worse on your skin. After exposing your face to the blistering cold on a daily basis for months, it’s natural to want to come into spring with a fresh, healthy look. If you can cure your bad habits and make positive changes in your routine now, you’ll be ready to bare it by summer.

I won’t pick or pop

Like nail biting and nose picking, these are bad habits that should be left behind in childhood. In fact, having your hands on your face at all when they’re not clean isn’t a great idea. Think about all the things you touch during an average day. Then think about rubbing your face against those very same things. Unpleasant, right? If you absolutely must rid yourself of an unsightly blemish in an emergency situation, clean the area thoroughly and apply gentle pressure. If it doesn’t pop right away, don’t force it. Try Biore’s Triple Action Astringent for that extra, fresh cleased-feel.  

I will use moisturizer

This has become as big of a beauty necessity as lip gloss and hair color. The importance of moisturizer cannot be underestimated, especially after the harshness of winter has had its way with your skin. Nothing is a better tool to keep your skin young and healthy. People with oily and combination skin can find moisturizers of the oil-free variety that complement their complexion. 

I will use sun block

Particularly for those with a naturally fair complexion or a family history of skin cancer, using sun block is non-negotiable. It’s a beauty issue and a health issue. If you can find a moisturizer with a built-in SPF, you’ve killed two resolutions with one product.  

I will find and use the right product for my skin

Keeping up with a regimen that involves a multitude of steps, processes and potions is not enough to guarantee luminescent skin. Instead, pare down your products to a select few that are chosen specifically for your skin type. This applies to anything you put on your face, whether it’s makeup, medication, cleanser, or a treatment. If you suspect your products might not be working, consult with your aesthetician or dermatologist. 

I will ease up on the tanning

No one looks good when they’re orange. As much as a sun-kissed glow might sound appealing now, you’ll pay the price in wrinkles before long. It’s easier than ever to find ways to tan safely: from using a self-tanning cream at home to airbrush tanning at a local salon. It’s an inexpensive, easy alternative to hours spent in the tanning bed.  

I will lower my stress level

Though this resolution is never a bad idea, stress can cause or aggravate a whole host of skin problems: acne, hives, cold sores, rashes, and more. If you’re prone to stress, take some time to explore what makes you feel most relaxed. It might be as simple as meditation, exercise, or music. Find a few minutes every day to indulge in those activities that de-stress you best.  

I will pamper myself

Get a facial as regularly as you can. Get a really good one when you are sure you can afford it. During the in-between times, you can do at home masks and scrubs. Take time out to pay attention to the skin you’re living in. Biore’s Self Heating Mask will greatly help out your facial routine.

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