How much are hair extensions?
The bad news: Hair extensions aren’t cheap. Depending on how much you get, how you get them attached and the type/grade of hair you use, the cost can range from the hundreds to the thousands of dollars — and that’s not including maintenance every six to eight weeks. Cheap clip-ins retail for around $50, whereas celebrities pay upward of $4,500 for extensions. You will also need to make an investment of time, usually four to six hours, for the initial setup.
The specialist who will apply your extensions may be called a hair designer, an extensionist or simply a hairdresser. No matter what title he or she uses, be sure they are experienced and have photos to prove it. Also, make sure you understand how they will be removed and how damage to your natural hair can be minimized. No one wants a bald spot.
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Is caring for your extensions going to give you a headache?
Do extensions require a great deal of upkeep and time commitment? Not really, says Pelusi. “People just need to keep an eye on them — almost like you would with color or anything else,” he adds, suggesting you allow for an hour at the salon every six weeks.
Caring for your hair extensions
Different types of extensions require different care, so always make sure to follow instructions for your particular kind. Here are some specific tips to help you care for your extensions:
- Human hair extensions can be treated as real hair, but more gently.
- Use a special brush (often a loop brush) made just for extensions so you don’t damage the new hair or the bond.
- A gentle shampoo is recommended, and use cool water to help minimize tangles.
- A light conditioner will help reduce tangling and keep your new hair supple.
- Sleep with your hair in a ponytail or braid to avoid bed-head and knots.
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