Our bedrooms are our sanctuaries. They are places to recharge our batteries, escape from the outside world and even indulge ourselves. But in every home, each bedroom is used for different reasons and by different people; therefore, they should be decorated and organized accordingly.
To ensure everyone in your household gets the most out of their individual spaces, take a feng shui approach to organizing each room. Internationally recognized feng shui expert Terah Kathryn Collins details how each room should be set up to achieve its maximum potential in her book, Feng Shui A-Z. Here are some of her tips for your bedroom.
General rules of thumb
- All bedrooms should be at the back of the house, which is considered more serene.
- Remove all excess items such as exercise equipment, desks, computers and other “active” furniture. If you must have these items in your room, place them far from your bed and cover them up when not in use.
- Situate the bed with a view of the door but not directly in front of it; this puts you in a peaceful flow of the room. Don’t place the bed directly under a window, which can be drafty and cause uneasiness.
- Choose comfortable furniture and avoid anything with sharp edges that could be dangerous.
- Clear out everything under your bed — the ch’i of things underneath you will affect you all night long.
A romantic master bedroom
- The master bedroom might be quite large, but that doesn’t mean it has to be cold and cavernous. Make this room warm and romantic by creating more than one cozy corner in the room.
- Utilize all your senses by choosing warm colors, romantic music, sensuous sheets and scented candles.
- To stay in the mood, remove all photos of your kids and family, or at least keep them out of view from your bed.
- Place a spacious and attractive nightstand next to each side of the bed.
A peaceful child’s bedroom
- If you took those family photos out of your room, put them in your child’s; they tend to make kids feel secure and watched over.
- To ensure your kids are calm and ready for bed, decorate with tranquil, warm pastel colors instead of bright reds, blues and yellows. Also, put the action figures away at night.
- If your kids aren’t sleeping well, try covering up any mirrors in the room while they sleep. Mirrors keep a room “awake.”
- If your kids share a room, designate a specific spot for each child such as a closet, table or shelf. This will help define each child’s ch’i and teach respect for other people’s things.
An inviting single woman’s bedroom
- Get rid of stuffed animals, dolls and excessive pillows. These items send the message to prospective overnight guests that the bed is already taken. These items also restrict free and spontaneous movement.
- Replace any art that shows solitary, companionless objects with some that portrays pairs, such as two people, two flowers and the like.
- Place pairs of candlesticks, vases and books in the far right corner of your bedroom, which is the love and marriage area of any space.
- Decorate as if you already have someone sharing your bed. Put nightstands and lamps on both sides of the bed.
A comfortable guest room
- Make this room as comfy, cozy and beautiful as the rest of your house.
- Leave the door open; “visit” the room often and open the windows.
- Don’t let it become a junk room by dumping all your stuff in there and clearing it out only when you have company.
More feng shui tips and advice
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Feng shui for the home
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