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How to make seeing a movie at the theater affordable

With certain lifestyles becoming more and more expensive, what will you do for fun this summer? If you’re looking for a place to cool off from the intense summer heat, yet save money, head to your local movie theatre. Even with the exorbitant prices theaters are charging these days, there are still ways you can see a great summer blockbuster on the cheap!

Find a deal

Discounts for movie tickets can be found in entertainment books and in promotional deals at your grocery store. Look through your weekend papers and circulars for savings at your local theatre.

Second run theaters

There are many second run theaters that show films weeks or months after they’ve originally premiered at a much lower price. The movie is still as good, it’s just cheaper!

Outdoor theatres

A growing trend in movie watching is viewing them outdoors. There’s always the drive-in, if you can find one in your town, but in places like Burbank, California, people can view a film in the middle of the downtown shopping area for free. A large screen is set up in between the mall and the IKEA, which is where locals can watch a flick once a week while enjoying a lovely summer evening. Another in Los Angeles is called Cemetery Screenings where a free movie is played against a blank wall at the Hollywood Forever Memorial Park. Film lovers can enjoy an outdoor movie experience for free and all they ask for is a $10 donation for the upkeep of the grounds. Check out this fun and cheap way to see a movie in your hometown.

Complimentary screenings

Many theatres will offer free or extremely discounted family movie screenings. For example, AMC Theatres are providing $1 movies for families, schools and organizations every Wednesday morning from June 25th through August 6th. The Regal Entertainment Group offers families free G & PG movies at select theatres every Tuesday and Wednesday this summer. And if you happen to live in areas like Los Angeles and New York, there are always people standing outside the theatre asking if you’d like to attend an advanced screening for free. You might have to wait in a long line and take a survey afterward, but it’s free and you’ll get to see the movie before the general public, so why not?

Tickets in bulk

We all love Costco and similar places where we can buy lots of stuff at once for a cheaper price. Now you can do that with movie tickets as well. Theatres such as AMC allow you to purchase tickets in increments of 50 for roughly $6.00 to $7.50 each. While it’s a lot of money upfront, these tickets don’t expire and are much cheaper than paying $10-$15 per ticket down the road.


Of course the best way to find a cheaper movie ticket, if you have the flexibility in your schedule, is to go during the day when you can get a matinee price. This can be a substantial savings, but since many theatres are shortening their matinee hours, check your local theatre’s times before you head out.

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