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Career advice and interview tips

Expert Interview Tips

Helene Lerner shares five ways to give your best interview: 

Do you homework.

Find out everything you can about the company and the person who will be interviewing you. This will give you an edge.

Beforehand, make a list of your strengths (at least 5).

Actually write them down. Make them specific to the particular job you are applying for i.e., I am a good public speaker and this job will require me to talk in front of client groups in a convincing way.

Have a mindset to get the job.

Even if you think the job might not be right for you, do your best during the interview. It’s great practice to prepare you for the interview that will land you the job you really want.

Buddy up.

Have a friend ask you some questions that might come up during the interview. Practice answering them and keep your answers short and to the point.

Write out your list of questions and make sure to ask them.

That’s your way of taking control of the interview, and it will emphasize your interest in the company.

If you think the fit may be right, linger around the office after the interview. Speak with some of the employees. Observe the environment – is it buzzing? Do people appear to be active and happy? You can tell a lot by just looking.

Best of luck on your interview!

If you have any questions for Helene, please submit them HERE.

More Career Advice for women:

Smart Women Take Risks

As CEO of Creative Expansions, Inc., Helene has produced more than 20 television specials, written nine books, and founded one of the premiere Web sites for professional women Look for her latest book, Smart Women Take Risks

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