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Hit the Road with Harley-Davidson

Get to know Natalie, Dianne and Darnell as they blog about their riding experiences, travels and daily lives as Harley-Davidson riders!

Meet Natalie Meet DianneMeet Darnell
Off the Interstate On the Road

By Natalie

September 9, 2009

When I started my blog in late May, I wrote about my annual “pilgrimage” from Arizona to Minnesota.  This is a ride my husband Terry and I do in the spring so we can enjoy riding
during the summer months in Minnesota.   Now, I end my blog with my ride back to Arizona where we will enjoy the nice riding weather in the Southwest.

During our ride back to Arizona we rode on a couple historical coast-to-coast highways in the US, Route 20 and Route 60.  While most people take the Interstates to quickly get from point A
to B, we tend to ride the “back roads” of America spending time on many of these old US Highways and the small cities and towns along the way.

Once in Nebraska, we spent time riding on US Route 20.  Route 20 is the longest road in the US spanning from Boston, MA to Newport, OR going through our stop for the night, Chadron,
Nebraska. We continued the historical theme by staying at an inn built in 1890, the Olde Main Street Inn.  This is one of those places you’d never find traveling the Interstate. 
The proprietor even made homemade soups and cinnamon rolls for her guests! YUM!

The next day we traveled down Colorado State Highway 71 from the Nebraska border to our friend’s house near Colorado Springs.  Our hosts Brian and Deb will be our tour guides when we
travel (and ride Harleys) in South Africa.  This will be an experience of a lifetime!  Check out their website if this is something which interests you:

We ended our ride on Route 60 from Socorro, NM to Gold Canyon, AZ.  Route 60 is another east-west US highway from Virginia to Arizona.   At one point it did extend all the way to
Los Angeles but was sadly abandoned when the Interstate was put in. One of the best features on this route were our friends Helen and Mike who road three and a half hours to meet up with us
and escort us back to our Arizona home.

We started the ride in temperatures of 60 degrees and ended in the 100+ degree heat of Arizona.  By the way, my bike turned over 30,000 miles on the trip right after leaving the Salt River
Canyon area in Arizona.  This bike, three years and 30,000 miles of memories.  I look forward to many more memories being made on my bike while Off the Interstate and On the Road!

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