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Hit the Road with Harley-Davidson

Adventures with Chloe

By Dianne

June 15, 2009

On a different type of adventure this Saturday.
This adventure is with Chloe… you may remember my mention of her as being our third child since she doesn’t know she is a dog! She is our 4 year old MinPin and if I may say so myself she is
adorable. She too enjoys a good ride! She rides with John on his bike from coast to coast. So ladies there is another female rider for you to be inspired by!! She has been featured in AZRider
magazine for one of her road trips from Arizona to Nashville to New Jersey. The three of us did that trip together but that is a story for a different day. Today we look to Pet Day at the local
Harley-Davidson dealership.

So off we went together in the truck…Chloe prefers to ride with John as he has a bigger bike! We packed up for the short run to the dealership…bottles of water, doggie treats, Harley-Davidson
toy,of course, and a comfortable dog bed for the front seat. In no time we arrived at the dealership and Chloe knew exactly where she was…she hears the roar of a motorcycle and gets very excited.
She thinks it’s her daddy and it’s time to ride but today John is working. She is a star when we get there. Everyone knows Chloe!

It was a fun morning for us. There were pictures being snapped and specialty dog treats. Chloe loved them as you can see from the pictures…..she almost took my thumb with her treats! Jenni became
her new best friend along with DeeDee. Jenni was constantly spoiling her with treats and DeeDee was taking her picture! She just loves attention. There was a dog psychic which was a little unusual
but everyone seemed to enjoy what she was telling them about their current and past pets. Chloe didn’t want to participate in the psychic fair as she lives free and rides! She doesn’t want to know
what might happen. She just enjoys letting it happen freely. That’s the freedom of the road ladies and even our dog shares that with us!

Another Reason to Ride

By Natalie

June 15, 2009

When starting this project, I was asked why I ride.  I ride for reasons most women ride; independence, fun, pure joy. 
Another reason I ride?  To haul around my husband should the need arise!  While attending a bike fest in Rocky Point, Mexico a couple of years ago, Terry blew the belt on his bike while
riding on the sand covered roads.  Of course there are no motorcycle shops in Rocky Point, so his bike was put on a trailer and sent back to Arizona.  This meant he had no wheels for the
rest of the rally.  It was suggested by some of the men in our group that he could ride my bike and I could be his passenger.  Excuse me???  Terry ended up being my “you know
what” for the rest of the weekend.  He did get some jeers (well, and some cheers) from other men.  I had a great time hauling his butt around.  Now he knows what that little
seat feels like!

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