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Hit the Road with Harley-Davidson

Rolling Hills and Prairies

By Natalie

June 4, 2009

Day three of my trip takes us through the hypnotic rolling hills and prairies of Nebraska and South Dakota.  Cattle were scattered everywhere and often the noise of our pipes would cause the cute
calves to kick up their hooves and run off.  The people we met when we stopped for breakfast at an American Legion in Rushville, Nebraska confirmed the expanse of this part of the
country.  A local rancher stood admiring our bikes while telling us his tales of herding cattle on his 4-wheeler.  He said that’s something we couldn’t do on our bikes!  His ranch
was 20 miles from town and 4 miles from his closest neighbor.  Many others in town were very interested in our ride and asked how we found their little town.  I explained by staying off
of the main interstates we often ride through many small towns and get a real taste of life in across the country.  Later that day we felt we “won” in Winner, SD when the sun came
out and we finally took off our rain gear for the remainder of our trip!  It was fantastic riding without that extra layer of gear.  A little more movement is a good thing. Before we got
to our stop for the day, we crossed the Missouri river.  Most people don’t think there’s much in South Dakota besides the Badlands and the Black Hills, but the expanse of this river is a site
to see.  Once at the river and I couldn’t imagine crossing this river before there were bridges.

Just a quick side note, the latest Powerball winner bought the ticket in Winner, SD.  I guess I should’ve taken the sunshine as a bigger sign and bought a ticket while there!

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