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Hit the Road with Harley-Davidson

The Final Chapter

By Dianne

September 8, 2009

It was a fun ride sharing my experiences with everyone these last few months. Hopefully I inspired you to “just do it”!

Whether it is riding a motorcycle or any other dream you have desired to accomplish in your life. If you don’t go for it, you will never know the final outcome. I have enjoyed many years of
riding with my one true soulmate and intend to spend many more doing so, as well as some other dreams we desire to accomplish together.

Life is a short ride. So get on your wave and ride it like you stole it, as we say in our motorcycle world. It truly is a great feeling being on that bike. There is nothing like it in the world.
Maybe surfing will be next or perhaps skydivng for me. Grandma learning to surf….now that’s a funny one to be telling the grandson when he grows up!! LOL

Anyway, I never did tell you about when I finally obtained my motorcycle endorsment. Well I succeeded in a safety course and I have been in the wind ever since. I
have many years of fond memories, especially that first year with my endorsement when I rode my Sporty all the way to Sturgis with the guys. The most unexpected thing happened on
that trip! John and I were married under the evergreen trees in front of the City Hall building in Sturgis!! We had no plan for this just a funny conversation with friends over dinner and
before you knew it the very next morning we were riding to Sturgis from Rapid City to get hitched!! 

So going forward think of my story in learning to ride and go for it. It would be great to see some of you out there riding. If you ever see me out on the road please stop and say hi, it would be
a joy for me to know that you were inspired perhaps by me, Darnell or Natalie. In closing ladies I would like to say just one more thing…”CARPE DIEM”

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