To Flagstaff and Beyond with John
By Darnell
August 26, 2009
Last week I rode up to Flagstaff, Arizona with Diane and John. John is a co-worker of Diane’s and a motorcycling enthusiast. Diane and John had meetings to attend and I decided to tag along
to escape the heat and check out Flagstaff.
The day started in the predawn hours. I was awoken by thunder and lightening. This is never a good omen and unusual for an Arizona morning. As soon as the garage door opened it started raining
the big fat loud rain drops that should be witnessed only from a protected area. We hopped on our bikes and rode off to meet John. As we got on the highway we could see the lightening in the
distance. It was actually beautiful to see the sun rise framed by lightening. The dark clouds to the north; not so beautiful. We rode on and met John at the predetermined location. I had never
met John before and we chatted a little before we left. One of the true pleasures of motorcycling is that you meet people you would not have met otherwise. Not only do you meet them but you
really get to know people you ride with. You learn each others riding style, what interests them, and what they like for breakfast.
Off we go in the direction of the dark clouds for the 250 mile ride to “Flag”. We had some unsettled weather on the way but nothing horrendous. We took the scenic route through
Payson, Pine, and around Mormon Lake on in to Flagstaff. It was beautiful.
Next time: Flagstaff and the Painted Desert.
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