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10 Most romantic destinations

10. Quebec City, canada

Is Quebec City the most romantic destination in North America? Many would argue that it is. More affordable than flying to France, a trip to Quebec City offers the perfect mix of old and new, all spoken in the language of love (French, of course).  The city’s architecture is reminiscent of
old Europe, and theatre, arts and festivals abound. And, of course, the dining is divine. Tres romantique!

After passing through one of four stone gates, lovers can explore the 400-year-old walled city’s history down narrow, cobblestone streets by horse and buggy or on foot.  Drive or cycle
to surrounding areas for views of beautiful old villas and historic 19th-century estates.

In only a little over three miles and 15 minutes downstream of Quebec City, lovers can spend the day on the Ile d’Orleans, with its mixture of French, English and American cultural
history. A self-guided tour explains farms, churches and old cemeteries. The most romantic and magnificent hotel in Quebec City is clearly the Château Frontenac, opened in 1893.  Even if $400 a night doesn’t fit the budget, just a visit to the hotel will leave any gal feeling like a princess.

Plus… A Staycation destination is always a consideration!

While saving up for that special romantic getaway vacation, don’t forget to take advantage of the most romantic destination of all: A “staycation.” After all, when you get right down to it, the only ingredients really necessary for an amazing romantic vacation are a good sunset,
moonlight, twinkling stars, music, candlelight and a couple of snuggled lovers gazing into each other’s eyes.

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