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How to get your house to smell great

The smell of your house is one of the very first sensory impressions that you’ll make on visitors. Also, since it is your home, you will have to live with the smell of it day in and day out. For these reasons, you want to get your house to smell great.

Step 1: Clean it up

Keep your home clean and don’t leave dishes in the sink. Use scented cleaners. This will allow your home look clean and smell great. Leave your windows open all afternoon to allow your rooms to air out.

Step 2: Freshen the carpet

Before you vacuum, sprinkle carpet deodorizer on the rug. Once you are finished vacuuming, you will be greeted with a fresh scent in every carpeted area of the house.

Step 3: Use dryer sheets

If you regularly use air conditioning, put dryer sheets over the air filters of your air conditioning unit, spreading the fresh scent of laundry throughout the house.

Step 4: Clean up after pets

Any animals in the house should be bathed frequently and any cages or litter boxes should be regularly cleaned. This goes a long way toward keeping your house smelling fresh.

Step 5: Light a few candles

Scented candles can be purchased inexpensively at many grocery stores and they can provide a wonderful scent for your house without becoming too strong. Place a few of these in strategic locations, especially when you are expecting company.

Step 6: Use plug-in air fresheners

Several companies sell products that plug into an electrical outlet and spray out a blast of air freshener at regular intervals. These can be great for areas like the bathroom and the living room.

Step 7: Bake something deliciouS

We’ve all walked into a home in which fresh bread or cake was being prepared in the oven and the result is a delicious, welcoming smell. If you are inviting guests over for dinner, try to time the dishes so that something is cooking when they arrive.

For more tips on freshening your home, check this out:
How to make your kitchen smell better

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