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How to make passport photos on your computer

Most people think they need to go to their local drugstore and pay about $15 to get passport photos. However, that is not that case. You can actually make passport photos on your own computer! Here are the simple steps that you need to take.

Step 1: Find a digital camera

Get your hands on a digital camera. If you don’t own one, you can go buy one or simply borrow one from a friend. Even if you decide to buy one, digital cameras are inexpensive these days and make a good investment.

Step 2: Take your picture

With the digital camera, take a picture of yourself. If you aren’t flexible enough to do it yourself, ask a friend to take your picture. Feel free to take as many pictures as you need until you are happy with the result. The background should be white for your passport photos.

Step 3: Transfer your photo

Next, connect your digital camera to your computer and download the photos you want to use.

Step 4: Select the photo

Open the photos in an editor such as Adobe Photoshop. You can now look through the pictures and find the one you want to use.

Step 5: Make your photo the right size

Resize and crop the photo you have selected to meet the passport standard photo guidelines of your country. usually, the photo will need to be a two-inch square. At, you can find instructions you need to follow for your particular country.

Step 6: Make an electronic copy

Save your passport photo onto your computer so that you have a copy.

Step 7: Apply for your passport

For Americans, you’ll need two identical photos when submitting your passport application. All you’ll need to do is print your photo twice, wait to receive your passport and you’ll be ready to travel the globe!

For more tips on passports, check this out:
9 reasons why you should have a passport

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