Have you always wanted to design your very own line of products, featuring your ideas and artwork? You don’t have to wait to be “discovered” anymore! You can do it all by yourself, via the web. In fact, there’s never been a better time to get creative — and even make a profit while doing it! Here are a few ways to begin.
step 1: Design clothing & home goods
In years past, you would have to buy dozens and dozens of mugs or other products if you wanted to put your own design on them — and you’d have to pay up front and hold onto the stock until it
But in this new print-on-demand world, you can sell 1
or 1000 of your own custom-designed t-shirts, calendars, shoes, mugs, water bottles, magnets, tote bags, postage stamps, mousepads, bumperstickers or countless all types of other cool products —
and make money doing it, with no investment other than your time and talent.
While many sites — including Winkflash, Snapfish and iPrint — offer photo-personalizable items, they don’t offer a way to sell products to customers on your behalf.
If you’re looking to completely outsource the fulfillment aspects, look at setting up shop with companies like DeviantArt, Zazzle or CafePress.com.
step 2: Make your own greeting cards
Repackage and sell greeting cards you designed — either by the individual card or in packets of small quantities. You can craft photo greeting cards and holiday cards by mounting a photo print on
cardstock, or get the cards professionally printed for you by a company such as Imagekind, Kodak or Moo.
step 3: Go for decor
Do your drawings or pictures just beg to be seen larger than life? You can make (and sell) your own customized oversized vinyl wall decals from Wallhogs — they’ll even handle fulfillment.
step 4: Cut it out
Some companies out there can make customized life-sized
cardboard cutouts of a person, a pet — or pretty much anything you can think of! (For resale value, think party decor, designs for kids’ bedrooms and advertising/promotional materials.) Check out
LifeSizeCustomCutouts.com or CustomLifesizeStandups.com for the details.
Step 5: Make a book
There are lots of places now that can help you make your own book — meaning anything from a coffee-table treasury of your photographic work to a novel or a beautiful wedding album. Get more
details about how to do it and who can help in our article, How to make a photo book!
Step 6: More ways to make money
Want 5 more ways to make some cash on the side by selling pictures you’ve taken? Come check out some very cool creative outlets for
your work!
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