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5 Organization tips for every room in your house


Master bedroom

Just because your houseguests may not see your personal space, that doesn’t mean it should be the last to get a little TLC. Here are some tips to get your personal space organized.

1. Cut the clutter. If your personal space tends to act as a resting place for items that belong in other areas of the house, remove them from the room.


2. Go through your closet and weed out anything that you haven’t worn in six months. Have a garage sale, craigslist them, or take the unwanted pieces to a clothing donation center.


3. If your dirty clothes always end up in a pile in the bottom of your closet, get a few hampers and sort as you go.


4. Pay attention to what you have on your dresser and/or nightstands. Only keep what you are actively using such as jewelry boxes and alarm clocks. Don’t let old newspapers or magazines stack up on your nightstand.


5. Dust lamps, ceiling fans, window coverings and nightstands/dressers. Vacuum the floor.


up next: kids’ rooms

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