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Do lash growth products work?

Whether you’re into extensions, lengthening mascaras or lash growth treatments, lashes are hot right now. But jaded consumers that we are, it’s easy to see lash growth products as a whole lot of hogwash. Do they work? Are they worth the often steep investment? Before you go out and spend your hard-earned cash, check out our lineup of the most popular brands out there, and what our research has discovered.


Price: $120

What they say:Latisse does work well to grow the eyelashes in roughly 70 percent of study patients,” says Shevanti Jegasoth, a Miami-based cosmetic dermatologist. “In photographic analysis, the eyelash enhancement was uniform length and thickness, not extreme length, as has been observed in some of the over-the-counter/online brands, such as MDLash and Revitalash. This is the only lash-growth product for which you need a prescription. It originated as a glaucoma medication — with a stunning side effect!

What users say: “I’m not a doctor/expert, but I did use Latisse,” shares Gina Kremer, co-director of Catalyst Communications. “It works, to the point where I had to stop using it! My eyelashes got so long, I got tired of people asking if they were fake. They literally almost touched my eyebrows. My boyfriend was a little freaked out by them, so I decided to cool off with the Latisse and go back to my normal eyelashes.”

Next: L’Oreal Eyelash Serum

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