Ack! You just found out you have company on the way and the house is a mess! No need to go into panic mode – if you’ve got 10 minutes, you’ve got plenty of time to tidy up your home. Here are some super simple cleaning tips that will have your place looking spiffy and save you face when company arrives. These 10-minute cleaning tips are also ideal whenever you are short on time.
1.Prioritize your home cleaning needs
First up: figure out which rooms are most in need of being cleaned. If you are having friends over for game night then clean rooms that your guests will actually be using and going in, like the bathroom and the living room. By choosing only a few rooms to clean, you will save yourself a ton of time and stress.
2. Enlist help
Get the kids or your mate to help you tidy up by taking all of their toys, games, books and clothes to their bedrooms. This will speed up the cleaning process and narrow down what you need to clean.
3. Do the windows
It may seem a thankless job but Windexing your windows and other glass surfaces will make your home shine, especially if you have dogs and kids. Fingerprints and nose marks are a dead giveaway for spotting a mess!
4. Dust off the TV
Ten minutes may not give you enough time to dust your whole home, but you do want to at least dust the one place people will notice the most – the TV. If you have a dusty television and entertainment console, it screams “please, please, clean me.” So to have your guests thinking what a fabulous housekeeper you are, grab a Swiffer and get your dusting done in a jiff.
5. Pick up the pet hair
Swiffers are also great for picking up dust and pet hair on hardwood or tile floors, which is ideal when you don’t have time to vacuum. Use the Swiffer on baseboards and floors to pick up any dust bunnies or pet fur that might be floating around.
6. Win the battle of the bathroom
Clean all the mirrors and get rid of any splash spots or toothpaste gunk. Remove all clutter from the bathroom counter, and put it under the sink or in the vanity cupboard or wherever it initially came from and do a quick wipe down with a disposal wipe. Remember to wipe down the toilet seat as well. Grimy bathrooms are one of the least pleasant places to find yourself sitting in.
7. Tidy the towels
Replace all bathroom handtowels with clean ones. If you have kids and your handtowels are covered with, well everything, toss them in the laundry and put a few fresh ones out. No one likes wiping their clean hands on unidentifiable stains.
8. Do a quick de-clutter
Put like items together; for example, if you have magazines and books everywhere, stack and pile them together on the end of a bookshelf until you can get to them after your company has departed.
9. Let your kitchen shine
Wipe down your kitchen counters, the sink and the faucets. A shiny faucet looks so much nicer than one covered in water spots. Be sure to also straighten up your countertop kitchen appliances and décor, or continue your de-clutter mission by putting some of them underneath the counter for a cleaner look.
10. Stop and smell the air freshener
Febreeze your gathering area to give your house a fresh smell. You can also burn some mild-scented candles or boost your essential oil diffuser. A nice smelling house comes across as a clean house.
Take a deep breath and enjoy your company – or the extra time you’ve now gained by speed cleaning with these 10-minute cleaning tips.
More cleaning tips
- A clean home in 20 minutes or less
- 52 Ideas to organize your home
- Tips for a quick clean up
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