Your home is the perfect showcase for your signature style. From your favorite colors to your favorite accessories, personalizing your decor allows you to really make your home yours and express who you are. It also gives visitors a chance to see your personality. Check out the following five easy and inexpensive ways to personalize your decor and make your space as unique as you are.
display your Kodak moments.
Decorate your walls with photos of you, your family and friends, or place photos on your table in decorative picture frames. Frames engraved with sayings make your photos particularly personal. Photographs on public display bring memorable moments into your space and allow others to see the special times and people in your life.
put the writing on the wall.
If you have a favorite quote or an inspirational phrase that keeps you encouraged, decorate your place with them! Vinyl wall sayings let you and your close ones view the words you find important on a regular basis. You can also use wall quotes and words to create a certain environment in your home and to express your beliefs.
choose personal Color schemes.
The colors people use to decorate their personal spaces reflect their personalities. Choose a color scheme for your entire home, or a different color scheme for each room, with which you are comfortable and content. For example, if you are laid back and conservative, a room filled with bright, intense colors may clash with your demeanor; you may prefer a more moderate color scheme instead. Choose wisely: You will be surrounded with these colors on a daily basis, and you want to be pleased, rather than dissatisfied, with your selection.
Showcase your hobbies and interests.
Accessorize your space with items that reflect your favorite hobbies and interests will give you a relaxing yet stimulating atmosphere. Love to travel? Decorate your walls with pictures of your favorite cities, desired travel destinations or artwork displaying different cultures. Passionate about cooking, sports or music? Hang pictures, artwork, souvenirs and framed autographs of your favorite musicians, athletes or sports teams, or styled photos of favorite foods and dishes. If you are an avid book reader, keep your books on display. If you are a music lover, showcase your CDs in a stylish storage cabinet.
create ambiance.
If you want a cozy environment, toss a couple of oversized pillows and a quilt on your living room furniture. Candles bring relaxation to an environment, so they work well in bathrooms and living rooms. Display statues and sculptures in your living room or bedroom to add a cultural touch. Your kitchen theme can revolve around a food item, such as apples (think apple teapot, apple dish towels and an apple kitchen rug). Whatever theme you choose, make sure it is a reflection of you.
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