Sure, you can freshen the scent of your home with candles and potpourri, but there are so many other unique ways to brighten up the smell of your space. Read on for a few scent-sational suggestions.
Play with bubbles
Doing your dishes with dish soap shouldn’t just be about getting your dishes spic and span; it should also be about freshening the scent of your kitchen. That is why it makes sense to choose a scented dish soap, and there are so many different spring-like scents to choose from (including lavender, citrus, and apple mango).
Bake a cake
Sure, home-baked goods are delicious to nibble on, but they also can add a heartwarming scent to any home. According to research, baking an apple, a pumpkin pie, or a fresh loaf of bread will give off the most comforting of smells. What’s more, smelling freshly baked goods, studies show, increases the amount of feel-good chemicals that our brains produce.
Squeeze a lemon
Lemons have natural detoxifying and odor busting properties thanks to their high citric acid content so, if there’s a particularly nasty scent you’re hoping to cover up, reach for a lemon. Put one through the garbage disposal to mask the scent of rotting food; mix freshly squeezed lemons with vodka or water to create a room deodorizer; or, rub a chopped lemon along a wooden chopping block to rid it of nasty smells.
Surprising spices
Another great way to give an all-natural scent to your space is to make use of strongly scented spices. A good example is lavender; it has a strong smell, but it’s more relaxing than overpowering. All you have to do is shop your local grocery store for fresh spices. Once you’ve found your spice of choice – basil, thyme and mint are other great options – chop it into bits and add to a jar with a splash of olive oil. Let the container sit overnight and in the morning, you’ll have a scented jar of oil you can place anywhere in your home.
Simmer a scent
Another way to add a fresh scent to your space is to create a spicy concoction in a saucepan on your stove. Make a recipe for apple cider (using cinnamon, cloves, and an orange peel) or make an especially delicious smelling soup. While you simmer your delectable treat, the scent will fill and freshen your space.
Fridge fresheners
Odors emanating from the refrigerator can really put a damper on the freshness of your kitchen, which is why it’s important to invest in a box of baking soda (the powder absorbs odors). Once odors have been busted, you can mask unappealing scents with strong smelling products. For example, leave an open container of ground coffee in your refrigerator door or soak a few cotton balls in vanilla and leave them in a jar. This will help your refrigerator smell fresher no matter what you’re storing in there.
More ways to freshen up your home
- How to get your house to smell great
- How to make your stinky laundry smell better
- How to make your kitchen smell better
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