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Kim Kardashian’s nude W Magazine photos way too airbrushed

Kim Kardashian‘s nude photos in the December issue of W Magazine are getting a lot of attention because of her cover girl appeal. However, Kardashian missed a big opportunity to speak out on self-acceptance with her photo shoot. Was she wise to let them Photoshop her body so heavily?

Kim Kardashian’s W Magazine photos for their December issue feature the reality star at her most exposed — she’s naked, with her breasts and famous rear exposed on the cover and in the magazine.

Kardashian is no stranger to the media spotlight. We see her face all over the place — from her E! reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians to Hollywood red carpets.

It’s true. The woman is everywhere, making women jealous and men swoon with each move she makes.

However, the W photos aren’t as beautiful as they could be, due to some ill-advised silver paint and airbrushing.

Proud of Her Curves

Kardashian’s bodacious curves have been the subject of some mean-spirited — and completely off-base — comments from fashion insiders and celebrity bloggers. Kardashian doesn’t let the comments on her curves get to her — she routinely blasts the haters by explaining why she loves her curves.

“I used to think, I have to be this or that or skinny, and now, because of the show, everyone is embracing just me, which has given me such a confidence,” she told W. “Now I’m like, why did I ever give that feeling the time of day?”

Her message of self-acceptance is an important one for tweens, teens and, heck, even adult women.

Kim Kardashian W Photos: A Mixed Message?

W Magazine is known more for its couture fashion spreads than its coverage of popular culture. Still, putting Kardashian on the cover in the buff was a smart move — they’ll sell tons of copies and Kardashian will receive the extra media coverage.

We don’t blame her for wanting to advance her career. She’s a superior self-promoter who knows how to get attention. What we’re not sold on is her to choice to appear so exposed — and so airbrushed — on the cover. The body paint, the retouching and the poses make Kardashian look like an odd caricature rather than the beautiful, confident woman she is.

What sort of message is she sending to her young fans? Yes, she says she loves her body, but if that’s true how could she let W Photoshop every perceived imperfection?

True Body Acceptance

If she really wanted to promote body acceptance, she could have demanded to appear untouched in the magazine. It’s been done before — plus-sized model Lizzie Miller appeared untouched in the September 2009 issue of Glamour with stomach bulges and cellulite exposed and the magazine sold a ton of copies and inspired an open dialogue on size acceptance in fashion and Hollywood.

One could argue that it’s not Kardashian’s responsibility to be the face for curvy girls — but she should be. The girl is seriously successful because of her own ability to hustle and promote herself. She can show other curvy girls that you can achieve success in Hollywood without bowing to the skinny gods.

Instead, her cover will simply get the attention because, hey, it’s Kim Kardashian naked on the cover of W Magazine! It’s a shame, really.

Weigh in – was W right to Photoshop Kim Kardashian so heavily in her W Magazine photos?


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