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Stylebook for iPhone virtually styles your closet


Ladies have envied Cher Horowitz’s Clueless closet since 1995. Who wouldn’t want a closet that is virtually organized for you — making it easy to compile looks every morning? Be jealous no more: The Stylebook app for the iPhone has it covered.

Create your own look book

The iPhone Stylebook app ($3.99) lets you store individual pictures of your clothing and accessories in categories you create. Once your pictures are uploaded, simply shop your closet on your phone to compile outfits. You’ll have a different look every day of the week by scheduling your outfits on the Stylebook’s calendar.

Find some outfit inspiration on the Internet? Store it in the Stylebook app for references when styling yourself a new look. And when you need a friend’s opinion on your outfit, simply email it straight from the iPhone app to get feedback.

Other Stylebook features include:

Notes: Blouse missing a button? Make notes on any of the clothing items in your closet.

Outfit history: Never wear the same outfit twice! Stylebook automatically keeps a history of when you’ve worn an outfit or piece of clothing.

Watch a Stylebook video demo

Stylebook is a new closet manager and fashion assistant application for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

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