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Top 10 freshest scents for the home


This age-old herb can transform your home into a scented haven. If you don’t live by a prairie or mountainous region where you can harvest fresh sage, you can whip up a homemade air freshener by combining 4 tbsp dried sage, 8 tbsp crumbled bay leaves and 8 oz of witch hazel in a screw-top jar. Let this “brew” for 3 days and strain liquid into a spray bottle.

Fresh flowers

This may seem like a no-brainer, but placing 2-3 mixed, fresh bouquets throughout your home will not only improve how your home smells, it will greatly improve your mood. When these flowers pass, hang them upside down to dry and make potpourri out of them.


If your mom used to slather you in eucalyptus rub to help you breathe better when you were sick, you know how fresh and soothing this scent is. Either open jars of eucalyptus rub around the house or put eucalyptus oil in the humidifier. You can also make a Eucalyptus air freshener by combining 7 oz of Eucalyptus leaves and 1-¾ pints vinegar. Let this simmer in a screw-top jar for 2 weeks, drain the liquid into a spray bottle.


Who can resist scooping up a baby who has just come out of the tub? They smell like heaven! This scent is good for when company is coming over and you need a speedy scent transformation. Wash the sink with baby shampoo, wipe down the countertops with the rag or sponge you used to wash the sink. Sprinkle baby powder on the carpets (if you do a light dusting of this, you don’t have to necessarily vacuum it up right away). Use baby wipes on other surfaces where practical.


Nothing says light and airy like the smell of lemons and oranges. Sticking oranges with cloves and displaying them on the kitchen table and counter looks festive and smells fabulous. Cut corners to achieve this scent by visiting a lotion boutique, which sells body sprays in citrus scents. Use them as air fresheners for a quick fix.

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