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Earth Day celebrations

Celebrating Earth Day can be a fun way to spend time outdoors with your kids, all the while teaching them about how to be environmentally conscious. Cities all over the world celebrate Earth Day in a myriad of ways, but if you’re still hard up for some interesting and educational activities, here are three kid-friendly ways to celebrate.

Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity

While helping build other people houses isn’t intrinsically helping out the environment, it’s a great way to spend time outdoors, do good and possibly “go green” by using eco-friendly re-purposed wood and building products. This volunteer opportunity can become a regular family activity lasting beyond Earth Day 2011. You can find building sites on their website here.

Spend Earth Day at your local zoo, botanical garden or aquarium

Most people live within driving distance to a zoo, aquarium or botanical garden. Since it’s not quite summer, lines and crowds might be at a minimum, making a day trip a relaxing, fun and educational outing for both you and the kids. Make sure to read up on the animals or plant life so that you can come away from the experience with more knowledge about the earth’s animal and plant life. The Official USA Zoo website has a thorough listing of zoos and aquariums by state.

Enjoy your local park on Earth Day

Many US cities have expansive parks or expansive woods and areas to hike in. Pack up a sack lunch, grab the little ones and head out for a local outdoor exploration – even if it’s in your back yard. Hiking can be a great activity for kids, as well as adults and can turn into an adventurous Earth Day activity. Even better, it’s a fantastic way to get exercise and breathe in fresh air – something we could all stand to do a little more of. A list of national parks can be found on Wikipedia.

More on Earth Day and getting outdoors

Earth Day tips to connect with nature
Teach kids about Earth Day
Earth Day recipes

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