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Best techie Mother’s Day gifts

Electric Wine Opener

If Mom or Grandma loves to crack open a bottle of wine at dinner but seems to always have trouble with the corkscrew, then an electric wine opener is the perfect gift. Just pop it on the top and in no time at all the wine is ready to enjoy with little effort and no frustration.

Cuisinart ICE-21

If Mom loves the kitchen and loves ice cream, then a fun gift is an ice cream maker. She can experiment with different flavors and know exactly what’s going into the ice cream. Just pre-freeze the bucket (consider a couple extra buckets to keep in the freezer for multiple batches), add the ingredients, and in 15 minutes enjoy some delicious ice cream.


This tool designed to clean your face six times better than your hands, and will also reduce pore size. Any mom will love a deeper clean after a long day.

Tria Laser

If Mom has been eyeing laser hair removal, this is a cheaper and more convenient option than going to a salon. She’ll see noticeable results in three months and be hair-free in the treated areas after six months.

Flip Camera

Perfect for catching all the special occasions, the Flip fits into Mom’s purse with ease. It films in HD, has a flip-up screen and can be personalized if you order from their website.

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