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Beach Week Beauty Finds: EmerginC Triple Threat Peel

Beach Week continues with the most amazing facial peel we’ve ever used! Now you all know you’re not supposed to get a real tan. Fake is fabulous, my friends! And as we all know, smooth skin is the best base for self-tanner. We are loving EmerginC Triple Threat Peel!

The first rule of self-tanning? Exfoliate! Now you can use scrubs for your body, but the face is far more delicate. We’ve found the most amazing peel! EmerginC Triple Threat Peel has blown us away!

Now, let’s be clear here. If you’re super sensitive, a peel is not for you. Not this kind. But if you tolerate peels well, we’ve yet to find one that works better. This one is pricey, but it lasts forever! Personally I use this once a week and I’ve been doing it for six months. I’m not even half way through the bottle!

Put a small amount all over the face, avoiding the eyes and mouth. Start off by leaving it on for two minutes. If you’re fine, you can work your way up to seven minutes. It takes off all the dead skin and gives you a super smooth glow. If for any reason you find yourself too tingly, a splash of water will neturalize the peel immediately.

You must use sunscreen with this product. Really, you should be doing that anyway. (Your mom asked me to tell you that.) Try this product and tell us you don’t notice a difference immediately!

EmerginC Triple Threat Peel is available at and retails for $85.

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