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Mouth sore treatments for the family

Mouth sores can really put a damper on your day, not to mention the week or so they take to heal. Eating becomes a chore, and tasks that normally aren’t painful become uncomfortable. Luckily, the mouth is one of the fastest-healing parts of the body. Whether it’s a cold sore or a bitten lip, here are a few mouth sore treatments for the family that dull the pain and speed up the healing process.

A saltwater concoction

Yucky concept, speedy recovery. The kids might not like this one, but it is one of the most cost-efficient mouth sore solutions by far. Simply sprinkle a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water and stir. Swish around in your mouth to make sure the sore is fully treated. Sodium bicarbonate reduces bacteria in the mouth, which helps open wounds heal more quickly.

Hydrogen peroxide

Sure, this is the old standby for treating flesh wounds, but the oxidizer also works well on mouth wounds. Whether you bit your lip or are tired of that canker sore, combine a solution of one part hydrogen peroxide and one part water, then swish. Like saltwater, hydrogen peroxide reduces bacteria in the mouth. An added benefit is its teeth-whitening properties.

Store-bought numbing agents

If you’re on the path of healing but still need relief, over-the-counter numbing products can dull pain. Clinically known as anesthetic ointments, they use benzocaine to relieve pain almost immediately. Simply dab on the affected area.

Cover up

A simple spot of standard coverup will help mask the embarassing blemish but won’t help it heal. For a one-two punch of concealer and cold-sore treatment, try Orajel’s Cold Sore Relief and Concealer, which you can use easily with your normal makeup routine. Blend it completely into your skin, and the active ingredients will begin to reduce the swelling. It’s almost as if the cold sore were never there.

Milk of Magnesia

You probably know this product as a tummy helper, relieving acid indigestion and constipation — but it also makes a great canker sore treatment. In conjunction with the hydrogen peroxide solution, dabbing milk of magnesia on the affected area can reduce swelling and soreness.

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