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Solopreneurs: Earn more with your environment

Your income is directly tied to your environment. Take a pause. Look around you right now. Also, quickly jot down the five people you spend the most time with. The space you create for yourself is the mirror to your income and business potential. One of my Soul Business Sisters, Tamra, says that she loves helping people create a space that is a reflection of their soul. Often, we do that naturally — who and what is around us is a pretty good indication of what’s going on inside of us and how we value ourselves.

Our income, our environment and our business are all based in choices. You can turn around your environment, thus your income, just as quickly as you turn a light switch on or off. I have often found that when I feel a bit stuck in marketing or business growth, I really need to be working on my surroundings — I need to be up-leveling. And yes, anytime we move ourselves into more abundance, joy and beauty, we must leave something behind. We always exchange something of a lower nature for a higher nature. So maybe you don’t need to be marketing this week — maybe you need to be expanding the potential of the space and people around you. Try these quick tips:

Expand your reach

We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. I know this can be difficult — we have best friends and family and loved ones, but the time spent with those people who are not stretching you keeps you stuck. You may need to let some people go or just bring more abundant, juicy, positive people into your life. When you up-level the people around you, your income and joy will up-level too. Remember the rule of five.

Smell the roses

We often forget the smell sense and how it can have a profound effect on our mood and energy. I love Young Living Essential Oils and I can take my mind, motivation and mojo anywhere fast by shifting the sense of smell. My favorites are lavender, Peace and Calming, Envision and peppermint. Remember — everything we breathe, taste, touch or see affects our earnings.

See the roses

Flowers are luxurious and they can change the mood of any space. Maybe you want fresh flowers on your desk or you position your office so that you can see flowers or trees outside. Either way, your confidence is raised when you see beauty because you feel beautiful. Is your office and work space beautiful?

Clear out the clutter

Money is energy and it must have space to travel. Some ways it does not travel well: through stacks of paper, piles of clothes, or disorganized and unused files. Find huge chunks of open space and air for all the good stuff to come in. And no excuses — if this simple thought overwhelms you or scares the heck out of you, contact a personal organizer.

First class

Travel first-class — air, hotel, meals. I know you might say, “That is not where I can spend my money right now” — and believe me, I know what you mean. I thought that was a luxury reserved for millionaires and billionaires, but I discovered that it actually doesn’t cost that much more — and it has changed my life. I can travel with ease, and no matter where I go, my surroundings remain abundant and exciting. When you up-level, your income up-levels every time.

Your environment reflects your income. What is yours saying? Success is all about choices — so simply choose differently for today. These tips are easy to implement and fun! So this week, try a little mood marketing.

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