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Back to School Makeup 101: Lips

It’s back to school time and time for a lot of girls to try out makeup. For many of us, the first item we’re allowed to use is lip gloss or lipstick. (Yes, people still wear that.) We’ve got a few tips for you first-timers.

Lipstick or lip gloss?

Lip gloss

For most girls, gloss is the way to go. Gloss adds just a bit of shimmer or sheer color, but which color do you buy? Well, it’s different for everyone and a clear gloss is the best way to start, but here are a few things to know. Glitter lip gloss is going to feel gritty. It’s going to peel up the skin on your lips so if you get some, use it sparingly. It’s really cute in the tube, but on the lips? Not so much. To be honest, you can barely see it since the gloss is shiny already. Gloss also comes in sheers and opaques. Go with sheer if you can. Opaques tend to cake in the corners and no one likes that little bit of white goo in the corner of the mouth. Try the ones with a vitamin E base for the most moisture.


Lipstick is a different story. It comes in pearl, matte, sheer…there are a million shades to choose from. Your best bet here is to go to a makeup counter or a Sephora to be color matched. We recommend sheer or pearl. Matte takes maintenance, lip liner, patience and art skills. If you’re into a period look, for instance a ’40s face, try lining your lips in dots first and then connect them. It’s far easier than doing it freehand. A little lip balm before application helps with the dryness.


Finally, a note on color. If you’re going dark on the eyes, go light on the lips. Think JLo here. If you’re doing a nude eye, the sky is the limit as far as color on the lips. Also, give those babies the occasional scrub. They need gentle exfoliation just like your face.

Do well in class, be nice and have fun painting your face!

More lip tips

5 Tips for plumping up your lips
Help your lipstick last all day
Why doesn’t this lipstick color look good on me?

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