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3 Secrets to feeling great in your clothes

The clothes you put on before you walk out the door are the first things other people notice about you, so it’s important you look your best. But looking great and feeling great aren’t always the same thing — use these three secrets to help master the art of feeling great in your clothes regardless of circumstances.

Proper fit goes a long way

If you’ve ever spent a day pulling at a dress that’s too short, pants that are too tight, or a top that’s too low cut, you know how self-conscious you end up feeling when your clothes don’t fit right. You may even catch yourself apologizing to those around you or avoiding interactions for fear of how you look. The solution is actually fairly simple: only wear clothes that fit; however, the reality is a little more complicated. If you’re currently gaining weight, losing weight, or you’re a hard-to-fit size, it may seem easier to just make do with the clothes you have in your closet. As tempting as it is, you’ll actually be selling yourself short. Spend a little extra money and invest in new clothes or have your old clothes tailored to a better fit. You’ll feel more confident and self-assured when your clothes flatter your shape without bunching, creeping or bulging.

Wear what you love

Just because your friends have bought into the latest fashion trend, doesn’t mean you need to. If you hate skinny jeans and crop tops, forcing yourself to wear them in order to fit in with your friends is only going to make you feel annoyed and uncomfortable with your clothes. Embrace the right to march to your own drummer and stick with the styles you’ve grown to love. When you love the clothes in your closet, you’ll be more likely to love them on your body as well.

Experimentation never hurt anyone

Fashion personalities are like tastebuds — they change every seven years. If you’re starting to feel stuck in a rut with your same old wardrobe, it may be time to experiment a little. Don’t go out and immediately start buying up every new trend. Start by checking out fashion websites and magazines, then try doing a little window shopping. Before long you’ll start noticing which colors, cuts and styles you’re naturally drawn to. Pick up a few of these pieces and incorporate them into your current wardrobe. You’ll love the flavor they add to your style, and you’ll enjoy deciding whether they fit with your new fashion personality. Stick with the new choices you love and ditch the ones you don’t — you’ll feel like a whole new person in just a few months time.

More fashion and style tips

How to wear fall’s hottest styles
Defining your style: Shopping and styling tips for your wardrobe
Jeans: How to find the best fit for your body

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