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Make over your man’s closet

Does your man’s wardrobe look like a tornado tore through it? Sick of seeing him parade around the house in the same ill-fitting jeans and raggedy old T-shirt? Give your man’s closet the extreme makeover it needs with these five tips.

Get him involved

Whatever you do, please don’t kick your man’s clothes to the curb without consulting him. Get him involved in the process, pick out the positives, and let him take ownership of his new style courtesy of you, says Angela Min, NYC-based business development fashionista for Snapette. Wardrobe stylist Sam Russell adds, “There’s nothing sexier than taking your favorite colors and having him try them on in the fitting room.”

Compromise is key

“A successful way to make over your man’s closet without totally offending him is to highlight the good stuff, and then both go through and scrap or adjust the pieces that clash,” says Min. “If he can’t depart with his beloved T-shirt collection, maybe you can help him invest in noteworthy denim. But remember, ladies: Even though you may feel like it’s your responsibility to alter his wardrobe, he’s the one who’s ultimately wearing it, so let him hang onto a few of his duds.” He’ll value your style advice that much more the next time he gets dressed in the morning.

Compliment, compliment, compliment

We all know men love a good ego boost, so butter him up with compliments to ensure he’s confident in his new look. “Guys in need of a makeover often default to feeling uncomfortable and need a bit of reassurance that they don’t look ridiculous in their new, updated wardrobe,” says Bernie Yoo, co-founder of, a curated monthly subscription service for designer men’s clothes. “Once they’ve heard, ‘Hey, you look nice!’ about three or four times, they’re sold.”

Make it about him

“Ladies, you cannot make this about you. Make it about him and all the benefits he will derive from it instead,” recommend Stacey Platt and Sarah Hayon of DwellWell. Tell him he’ll have less stress in the morning, he’ll look hunky in everything he owns, it’ll give him a competitive edge, etc.— whatever is guaranteed to make him think it’s a good idea. “Bonus points if you can also somehow manage to make him think the whole makeover thing was his idea to begin with!”

Don’t overwhelm

Your man’s probably never going to love shopping as much as you do, so don’t overwhelm him with the idea of replacing his entire wardrobe. This will just send him running, says Michelle Jeremias, a Chicago-based wardrobe stylist. “The best way to fill in the missing pieces is to shop for him. He will love and adore you for thinking of him while you were away.” Plus, with the holidays approaching, you have an easy excuse to purchase as many new stylish items for him as you can possibly afford. “Just make sure to get him the best quality possible,” notes Jeremias. “As you know, it may be a very long time before he actually replaces them.”

More makeover tips for your man

Make over your man’s skin care routine
5 Girly beauty tricks men need to embrace
10 Ways to convince your man he needs a makeover

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