You spend about a third of your life at work, so having a job you enjoy is extremely important to your overall happiness. If you dread going to work every morning, it may be time to take a look at other career opportunities and find a job that you really love.
Tune into your interests
Though money is important, it’s not everything. If you took your current job just because of the salary, you might be stuck doing something you hate. Instead of worrying about the paycheck right now, tune into your interests and strengths to discover which career field may be right for you. If you are a creative, artistic person, you may like writing or interior design. If you are curious and analytical, a scientific or medical career may be the way to go. If you like working with your hands, anything from mechanics to computers to banking could be of interest.
Think about your current job
Before starting your hunt for a new job, think about what you don’t like about your current job. Is it the actual work, the environment, your co-workers or your boss? If you really enjoy the work, look for a similar position at a competitive company. However, if you hate the work itself, it’s time to consider making a shift to a whole new career field.
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Explore career assessment testing
Online websites such as and, as well as local career placement centers, can offer assessment testing to help you discover a job you’ll love. During the testing, you’ll discover whether you like problem-solving and research, prefer working with people and teaching, or enjoy managing people and working in sales. You might be surprised at how your interests and personality can shape your career direction. Also, determining your personality type may help you discover the right career for you.
Take some classes
If you are still unsure where you are headed or feel you need some additional skill training in your area of interest, take some classes at your local university, community college or trade school. You can take classes, seminars or workshops at night or on the weekends while you keep you current job.
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If you aren’t sure about making a career change quite yet, volunteer some hours working in your targeted field. Volunteering will allow you to get your feet wet and you’ll have the opportunity to decide whether you really like this new type of work.
Don’t rush
The worst thing you can do is walk in and quit your job today. Unless you have a huge stockpile of savings, it could spell financial disaster. In today’s economy, it might be literally months before you land a new job. Be smart with your job hunt and don’t quit your current place of employment until you have secured a new position.
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