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Crazy for cocoa: The butter’s best qualities

Cocoa butter, made of yellowish-white solid fat extracted from the cocoa bean, has been used for centuries for its moisturizing and healing abilities. Cocoa butter is a great moisturizer for everyone in your household. Read on for all the great ways you can use cocoa butter.

As a lotion

Cocoa butter is a wonderful natural moisturizer. The butter is super-easy to apply because it actually melts at body temperature. Cocoa butter also makes a great daily lotion because it leaves a smooth, not greasy, feeling. Plus, it smells great!

Make your own moisturizer using cocoa butter >> 

Studies show that rubbing cocoa butter into the skin can help reduce stress and anxiety, boost your immune system, help with arthritic symptoms, and even assist in the prevention of cancer. Cocoa butter contains cocoa mass polyphenol (CMP), a substance that inhibits the production of the immuno globulin IgE. CMP can also reduce the likelihood of skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.

DID YOU KNOW? Cocoa butter can help reduce stress and anxiety, boost immunity, ease arthritis and reduce skin irritations.

As a body wash/soap

Using a cocoa butter-based soap can help prevent dry winter skin. Cocoa butter has a better shelf life than other regular soap ingredients and has natural antioxidants, which can make you feel great inside and out.

To fight stretch marks

Cocoa butter is the main ingredient in many of the top stretch mark creams. It’s been used for centuries by pregnant women to help keep stretch marks at bay and to smooth away those that do appear. Cocoa butter’s amazing moisturizing properties help keep the stretched skin hydrated, help maintain elasticity and flexibility, and help decrease the risk of scarring.

The posh product Victoria Beckham used to avoid stretch marks >> 

As a natural healer

Cocoa butter can be applied as a natural sunblock, tightening skin to avoid the sun’s harmful rays. If your skin does burn, cocoa butter can provide relief by moisturizing sensitive red skin. Doctors recommend cocoa butter after laser surgery and tattoos for pain reduction and less scarring.

The best part about cocoa butter is that it is so easy to find. Most leading moisturizer brands have a cocoa butter product in their lines. You also can find pure cocoa butter at most health food and natural food stores. Just add a few drops to your palm and mix it with your favorite lotion for a moisture boost. For intense healing, use it straight from the bottle.


It’s easy to overprocess and dry out hair, but it’s not always easy to put moisture back in. Cocoa butter can be great for treating dry hair and helping your mane feel smooth and healthy.

More moisture tricks

How to pick the perfect moisturizer
5 Best tinted moisturizers
Top 10 steps to great skin

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