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Best ways to update your color for spring

Whether you are looking to do something drastic or just update your existing look, the change of seasons is a perfect time to brighten up your hair color. Here are a few tips for updating your color just in time for spring.

Go for something bold

The change from winter to spring is one of the best times to make a drastic change in hair color. There’s really never been a better time to just go for it, regardless of whether you are going from brown to red — or even from blonde to Katy Perry blue. The key is to have fun with your look no matter what the change entails, and to make sure you feel comfortable with the change. Go with your gut — if you’re feeling really hesitant about taking the big-change approach to hair color, then maybe you’re really not sold on the new shade or you just aren’t ready to let your existing look go.

Update your current hair color

Okay, so you’ve thought about it, and it really isn’t the right time for you to make a complete departure from your existing hair color. That doesn’t mean that all color change options are off the table. Instead of completely reworking your color, look for ways to enhance it. Uncover shades that already exist in your hair color’s family and bring them out by adding more. If you need help identifying your options, speak to your salon colorist for a little direction and support.

Look for inspiration

Believe it or not, your makeup and wardrobe can help to provide you with hair color guidance. Considering your favorite eyeshadow shades, for example, is a perfect way to narrow down colors by comparing what will look best together. Your new hair color will make your whole look appear different. Just make sure that it all works together. If you tend to gravitate towards wearing bright red, then switching to a red hair color may not work for you.

Go high or low

Highlights seem to always be on trend for hair color, and it’s probably due to the versatility that comes along with them. No matter what your skin tone or hair color is, you can find a style of highlights that works for you. Ease into a change by going for more subtle streaks that are just a few shades lighter than your existing hair color, or add big and chunky bright streaks to rejuvenate your look.

Lowlights are another solid, and often subtle, coloring option. They are the opposite of highlights and are actually applied near the base of the hair. Hair is dyed darker than the existing color — adding dimension and more depth. Lowlights are an ideal option for women with really blonde hair or hair that seems to have flat-looking color.

More hair color ideas, tips and tricks

Best hair colors for spring
Look younger with your hair
How to color your hair at home

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