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The Passover shopping list

Whether you’re shopping for a Passover seder or you’re stocking up on kosher-for-Passover items for the week, don’t forget to grab these essential Passover food items.


Kosher for Passover wine is easy to get at Trader Joe’s and your local grocery store. Red is usually the main choice for Passover seders, but feel free to mix it up and drink some white wine.


You can make many things with a square or two of matzo. Streit’s Matzo is a favorite among many. Feel like having a sandwich? Have a matzo sandwich with two squares of matzo and some kosher meat in the middle. Matzo is also great for making matzo brei, whether for breakfast or dinner, savory or sweet. Matzo pizza, anyone? And remember, matzo is delicious by itself or with just a little schmear of butter.


You will be needing a lot of greens during the week of Passover. Spinach or a spring mix is always a tasty choice. Make sure to get kosher for Passover salad dressing, as well — or you can always make your own. While you’re in the produce aisle, make sure to stock up on vegetables like tomatoes, cucumber, olives and anything else you like to toss in your salad.

Chocolate macaroons

OK, this is definitely not the healthiest choices for Passover, but it’s undeniably delicious. If your fruit salad isn’t doing it, then try one of these chocolate macaroons.You can pick them up at your local grocery store in the Passover section or make them yourself. Just one is good enough to satisfy your sweet tooth without eating any yeast!

Egg noodles

Egg noodles are delicious whether it’s Passover or not. Grab some to make a light pasta dinner during the week. Manischewitz has an assortment of egg noodles, along with pasta sauces that are all kosher for Passover.


Feeling a sweet craving coming on? Fruits are your new best friend this week — as long as unleavened bread, yeast or grains are out of the picture. Fruits are a great snack and breakfast option so make sure to grab strawberries, blueberries, bananas, apples and any other fruit you love.

Matzo meal

With matzo meal, you can make farfel, sweets and more! If you’re a baker and a cook, you can extend your Passover diet beyond matzo pizza and veggies.

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