Making this adorable little Popsicle® stick house is both easy and fun. Follow the directions and before you know it, you’ll have a new piece of shelf art to show off. Create several in varying sizes and display together for a charming vignette.
Step 1: Trim pieces to size
Using very sharp scissors and a lot of care, trim 23 regular-sized Popsicle® sticks to measure approximately 2-3/4 inches each. While trimming, cut off the rounded ends on both sides to create flat edges. Next, trim 16 sticks to measure 3-1/4 inches, leaving one side with the rounded edge intact.
Step 2: Assemble the base
Assemble the base by gluing together 7 of the shorter straight-edged sticks (laying next to each other, as shown), with 2 of the straight-edged pieces glued perpendicularly as cross-support.
Step 3: Assemble the walls
To make the walls, create 4 frames using 4 of the shorter straight-edged sticks for each, glued into a square shape and covered in fabric. Use different patterns or colors to create a fun and funky look. You don’t need to be concerned about the back sides of the walls because they won’t be visible once your house is complete.
Step 4: Put it together
Carefully glue each wall, one at a time, to the base. Then glue each wall together at the sides. Use care to avoid creating a hot-glue mess.
Step 5: Add the rooftop
To create the eaves, cut out two cardboard triangles with 2-inch sides and a 2-1/2-inch bottom. Cover in fabric. Glue the long sides to opposite walls. Affix the rooftop, one stick at a time, by gluing first to the side of the fabric triangle and then to the top of the wall. As you add the sticks, glue carefully at each seam. If you’d like to make your house into a hanging ornament, glue in a loop of string or ribbon halfway through this process, with the ends anchored in between sticks and a loop sticking out the top.
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