Many city dwellers have experienced a tiny kitchen with little counter space or room to move. There are a few easy ways to maximize the space you do have, which will leave your kitchen feeling workable, if not palatial.
Don’t let a small kitchen get in the way of cooking or entertaining. If you’re used to a larger space, it may seem unmanageable at first, but with a bit of planning and organization you’ll think it’s cosy, not claustrophobic.
The first step to making your kitchen feel less cluttered is to de-clutter. Do you really need a pineapple corer, hard boiled egg slicer and that campy toast branding iron? Consider what you really and truly use on a daily basis, and what you can get rid of or, at least, put in storage.
Learn how to make a small kitchen look larger >>
Only the essentials
You don’t have to get rid of kitchen items that you don’t use regularly, but you also don’t have to keep them in the kitchen. If you have more room in the living room or another area of your house, consider filling a cabinet or closet with those cookie presses that only come out once a year, or that pasta maker that you swear you’re going to use some day.
Counter space
Space-saving items
Maximize the space
Check out these tips for cooking in a small kitchen >>
Don’t just put things away willy-nilly. In a small kitchen you have to be methodical. Keep spices in one section, baking goods in another and cans in yet another. Organize your silverware drawer and make sure things are stacked and easily within reach in your cabinets.
Keep it neat
Finally, a clean kitchen will appear much larger than a messy one. Do your dishes as you cook, put things away as soon as you are done with them and always clean up your cooking space. It may seem like more work initially, but it all pays off in the end.
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